The lack of a signature in the file (Unknown developer), does not itself indicate the harmfulness of the software. All popular software is signed with this signature, you can see it for yourself on the example of the following products: Yandex Browser, Opera, Google Chrome, Nvidia and many others. The following are the results for TLauncher 2.66: Installer for Windows File for Windows, File for Linux/OS X Ī digital signature is a special mark in a file, which indicates that the latter is received from a certain developer and no one has modified it. You can check out our launcher on the same service after downloading from the main page. This site checks the file with approximately 60 antivirus software at once, it's really more impressive than your soft. Therefore, downloading a file from unknown site use, for example, VirusTotal. Some users trust their antivirus very much, but although it can block most known viruses, it does not protect 100%. In this article, we describe the easiest ways to check the reliability of the developer in relation to your PC, as well as examples based on our software – TLauncher. But not all files and programs should be trusted, as well as information about the program distributed on the Internet. Therefore, the trust on which the interaction with the program is based is the basis of working at a PC.

Internet security is a very sensitive issue, as every software that runs on your PC modifies and adds files.